


名字,而不是数字 is a Holocaust education program developed by Tova Fish-Rosenberg and facilitated at WDS by Mrs. 吉尔皱起. Every year, to enhance the Holocaust learning that is already part of our curriculum, the 名字,而不是数字 program enables 8th graders to engage in a unique multidisciplinary learning experience that combines research, 视频制作, and one-on-one interviews to preserve history in an original documentary film. 在整个项目中, students work with professional journalists, 大屠杀的学者, 和电影制作人, and they have the unique (and fleeting) opportunity to learn about the Holocaust directly from those who experienced it, thus strengthening the personal and emotional connection m ' dor l ' dor, and preserving the survivors’ stories for future generations.
名字,而不是数字 program commences with 8th graders viewing a documentary film that has been made by other students in the program to understand their end goal. 为最终的面试做准备, students participate in several sessions to gain an understanding of the Holocaust timeline; the roles of conspirators, 支持者, and bystanders; the nature of spiritual and physical resistance; and the contemporary manifestations of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial that will be combated with their work. 的 students next meet with a journalist to learn interviewing techniques, which includes how to craft appropriate questions that can categorize a survivor’s experience into before the war, 战争期间, 战争结束后. A tour of the Holocaust exhibit at 的 Museum of Jewish Heritage also allows them the opportunity to see artifacts and learn from a museum educator. 在小组中, students are then matched with one specific Holocaust survivor, and they spend weeks researching their particular story to prepare for a face-to-face interview.  Learning professional video and editing techniques from a videographer, students enjoy the more technical elements of producing a documentary. A school or community rabbi leads a learning session about Emunah and 的odicy with the students after their interviews to help them process the tragic experiences within the Jewish lens. 

的re is a culminating dinner at WDS, during which the screening of the 名字,而不是数字 documentary is presented to the participating students and survivors, along with their teachers and family members.

We invite you to memorialize the victims of the Holocaust and commemorate the survivors by making a donation in their names. Your support will help sponsor 威彻斯特走读学校's 名字,而不是数字  program and all of the experiential learning that accompanies it.

……………… – May their memory provide a protection for us.

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威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.
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